Improving Your Handwriting
Hand lettering is very trendy right now. Everything from brand packaging to planners to web design seems to contain beautiful, cursive handwriting. Since it is so popular, more and more people want to learn the skill. Thankfully, by following a few simple tricks, you can drastically improve your lettering skills in only a short amount of time. Here is what you need to know about practicing handwriting and how to learn beautiful handwriting styles.
What used to be called calligraphy is now deemed, "hand lettering." Basically, it is elegant script, usually cursive, that appears to be written by hand. Many times, this script art is initially drawn by hand on paper and then scanned into a computer for future use. Though there are also apps for phones and tablets that allow you to use a stylus in order to create a similar look. While it can seem unnatural at first, practicing on a tablet means that you can almost effortlessly correct any mistakes you make.
If you want to know how to improve your amazing handwriting, you have come to the right place. There are a few simple techniques you can start applying immediately. Though they are easy to master, these techniques go a long way towards making your handwriting look beautiful. Before you begin though, you should commit yourself to practicing at least once per day. Many people like to do this practice in their personal journals or planners.
One of the most basic hand lettering tricks is to thicken all of your down strokes. After you draw out a simple sketch, go back through with your pen and thicken all of the lines where your pencil was moving downward. You can do this technique regardless of whether your original writing was in cursive or print. As long as your original work was in pencil, you can change or add to it as necessary. All of the best hand lettering artists begin their design in pencil before switching to a high quality black pen.
Another basic tip for practicing handwriting recognition is to draw basic embellishments around your design. This instantly gives your work an artistic feel. Simple doodles like flowers, vines, and banners, are great for beginners. If you are struggling to find new ideas for font styles and embellishments, consider purchasing a handwriting practice book. They often have several creative tips and ideas. Plus, the books usually give you plenty of room for handwriting practice.